There are so many ways to be a mom.

To be a mother, I don’t believe you have to give birth to a child or have them living under your roof.

You can be a big influence on kids in your family and your neighborhood. You can step up in a time of need for a grieving family. Or be an amazing Godmother, teacher, or mentor.

You create full bellies. You’re an encourager. You’re that extra pair of hands that makes all the difference in a life of a child in chaos.

All of those count.

Motherhood is a wild, wild ride. There are days I absolutely love it and other days where I wish I could check myself into a hotel room for 48 hours so no one would ask me questions, touch me, or whine that they have a yellow cup when they wanted blue.

However you’re a mother and however you mother, you matter and I am thankful for you. It’s a beautiful, exhausting, and gratifying experience. I love being a mom.

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