it’s National Infertility Awareness Week and if you’ve been around here for a bit, you know the struggle it was for us to start a family. It took nine years to get our Max. It was mentally, physically, and financially difficult at every turn.
While many are still uncomfortable talking about infertility, it impacts 1 in 8 couples in the U.S. today. One in eight! That means you for sure know someone or lots of someones. While I have decided to be vocal about it, there are many who choose to be silent and not share their stories, and if that’s you- just know there’s a whole community rooting for you.
You’ll see lots of orange this week- a color of support. But you may also see lots of pineapples. Why pineapples? When it comes to fertility, the thought is by eating pineapple after an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle or other fertility treatment, you’ll have increased chances of an embryo implanting in your uterus. (While there’s no good scientific study that tells us it actually helps, who doesn’t love pineapple, and it’s a great symbol!)
Have you lost time at work? Have your relationships changed? How has infertility changed your life? Do you work with people who struggle to build a family? If any of these questions had you nodding “yes,” you have a story to share that will change people’s perception of the realities of infertility and you should share this week! #WeCanAll #NIAW2022