This may be a toy store, but it’s not just for kids!
Welcome to The Dancing Bear, my absolute favorite toy store! Now, I may be biased, as it is in my new hometown of Frederick, but I’m telling you, walk in the doors of this place and you’ll have a blast!
The best part? All the toys are battery-free! Which means everything is fueled by imagination, which is the best anyway!
These guys are getting ready to revamp their website and wanted some new images to go with it. You can imagine how excited I was when I got that call- a photo shoot in a toy store!
Tom and Marlene England are the owners of this fabulous toy store and they are as colorful and fun as the toys that line the shelves of The Dancing Bear. You have to be to own a toy store, right?
Thanks so much for sharing your store with Frederick!
Tom + Marlene!

Banana Gram game! Have you played it?