Washington Post Magazine

As a kid, you wish and hope for many things. Big things. When you’re little, you don’t know your limitations… you don’t know you have limitations. And so you dream, huge. Anything’s possible.

Lots of kids wanted to be rockstars and models, some sports heroes, some famous doctors. They wanted to be on the covers of magazines. Me? Well, I just wanted my photos on the covers of those magazine.

And when I was 10 and entered that 4-H photography photography section and got a participation ribbon, I was freaking bummed. My parents told me not to worry about it- I had received grand champion in small animals (with my hamster Buddha) and I should focus on that. [Now, let’s imagine my life as a professional hamster breeder, people. Whoa.]

So I kept practicing, taking every class I could, taking photos all through high school, driving all my teachers nuts by printing too many photos in the dark room, coming in during my free time, developing roll after roll of film.

All I had ever thought about was getting published in National Geographic and in the Washington Post. Those were my goals. Oh, and to ride a camel around the pyramids, which is now checked off my list, thanks to my dear friends Kate + Nic!

And then several weeks ago, I got a call from Ellen at the Washington Post about a story on “trashing the dress.” Ooh. And I was lucky enough to be asked to submit some photos from my latest session with Amy + Nate. And they were published on Sunday in the Washington Post Magazine and I can hardly believe it. I’ve only looked at the magazine a few times now, mostly because I am crazy editing and shooting these days, but I get chills every time- a 10 year old kid’s dream has come true.

Thank you to my family for putting up with all those rolls of film, thank you to Mr. Spiering, my high school photo teacher for believing in me, and thank you to my clients (especially Amy and Nate!), who make this all happen. xo.

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