Hannah Nielsen of Northwestern University, and Max Seibald of Cornell University are the 2009 Tewaaraton Trophy winners!

The Tewaaraton Award Foundation, in conjunction with The University Club of Washington, DC, formally established the “Tewaaraton Trophy” and is recognized as the pre-eminent lacrosse award honoring the top female and male varsity collegiate lacrosse player in the United States. It is the lacrosse equivalent of the Heisman Trophy. The Tewaaraton Trophy is now presented annually following the collegiate season at a banquet honoring the finalists and winners.
Lacrosse is one of the oldest team sports played in North America. Rooted in centuries of Native American tradition, the game took on many variations before reaching its present day form. The Foundation honors this truly original American heritage of the sport in the name of its trophy: “Tewaaraton,” the Mohawk name for their game and the progenitor of present day lacrosse. The Tewaaraton Trophy has received the endorsement of the Mohawk Nation Council of Elders.
Although I know nada about lacrosse, it was great to be a part of this event and see the best of the best receive their well-deserved recognition.
Congrats to Hannah and Max!