Dodging for a Cure!

The Fourth Annual Dodging Diabetes Tournament was on Saturday, and I was so glad I got to be a part of it! This was my fourth year photographing the tourney! It’s hard to believe it’s been four years, but I love donating my time every year to such a good cause.
This year the event took place in Rockville and 20 teams came out to compete, have fun, and raise money for Joslin Diabetes Center. The winners this year- The Medics! They’ve been at every tourney and I was so glad to see them win. Many of the teams have been in the tourney every year and it’s so nice to see the same friendly faces every year.
Here are a few photos from the tourney! If you’re here because you participated, HI! 🙂 All of the photos will be available very soon on… e-mail me if you need more info at MK -at-
It was a blast being a part of Dodging Diabetes again, and I can’t wait till next year- the 5th one!
one of the refs lays down the rules

This is my fave part of the game… when the whistle blows and everyone heads for the center line

Liz and Anna, the creators of Dodging Diabetes!

One of my fave teams- Dance Party Vietnam… they won in 2007 and 2008

This is our little mascot, Molly! 🙂

The Champions! Go Medics! 🙂

All the volunteers! Thank you so much!