You all know I have a soft spot in my heart for soldiers.
Maybe it’s because I’m married to one. Or maybe it’s because I’m in awe of what they do.
Either way, when it comes to helping those brave men and women who serve our country, you can guarantee I’ll try and help.
Enter Blankets of Hope.
The Blankets of Hope team creates unique, handmade blankets to send hope, support and gratitude to America’s wounded and veterans. Used on hospital beds, wheelchairs, and transport litters on medevac flights, Blankets of Hope bring the message that each service member is loved and not forgotten. They are included in First Response Backpacks and Vet Packs sent to Combat Support Hospitals in war zones, major medical facilities in Germany and around the world, and selected military hospitals and veterans centers here at home.
Wounded soldiers are quickly evacuated from the battlefield, leaving behind their clothing, personal equipment, and their brothers in arms. During this time of pain and upheaval, the Blanket of Hope provides warmth and comfort for the wounded soldier. Most importantly, it shows the soldier that someone cares about him and is thinking and praying for him at that very moment. This is very powerful for a wounded hero… the knowledge that someone cares.
Over the years, Blankets of Hope has been flooded with stories from the wounded and their families about how much a Blanket of Hope has meant to them. For many, it becomes a cherished treasure.
While I did help make a blanket, my talent lies elsewhere- I was asked to photograph the event hosted by AAF-GF (of which I am currently serving as the public service director). I want to thank all the amazing sponsors of this event and give a special shout out to Lisa Gorham, who made this event a huge success.
It was an honor.
Here is the layout from the November Frederick Magazine‘s story on Blankets of Hope. Thanks for your sponsorship!